Tuesday, February 8, 2011

too happy?

Lately, I have been struggling with life in general. As we all know, there are ups and downs in life. I have been on a low lately. The enemy is trying to crawl in on my life and I won't let it happen. I've been fighting a spiritual battle and God has come to my rescue as He always does. God is so good, even when I don't deserve His goodness. I am in love with my Heavenly Father. He is faithful to the end. Never has He ever turned away from me, even when I have denied Him. How can you not serve a God who loves you and will give you joy like no other?! My Jesus is awesome.

Best song ever, right here..oh yeah. 

I'm off. LOTS of studying that must be done. 


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I Choose Christ


As winter break is coming to an end and I head back to school in two days I am filled with different emotions which are going in every direction. Yes, I am excited and ready to go back to school, but at the same time I am sad to leave home. I'm ready to learn new things this semester, go back to my responsibilities in Mobile, see friends whom I have missed, and be on my own...just me and God. BUT, as they say, "Home is where the heart is." So true!

Having not spent much time home since high school, it's nice to be home and relax. Yet, as I am home staying where things of my past have taken place...same house, same town, and even same people...I realize I still am weak and forever will be without the help of my Lord. On my own I am destined to fail, to fall back into the same life style that God has plucked and rescued me from. It's easier to live and be OF this world. Boy, oh, boy, it's easy to go back. It's easier to go without picking up my Bible and journal and hear from God, then it is fighting the enemy and running into the arms of Christ. I find that in going a day or two or even three without spending time with God, my old ways come back and I am walking in my flesh, and pretty miserable at that! The enemy thrives on anything he can to bring me down and out of fellowship with Christ. I'm sorry, but no more. I am fighting. As 1 John 4:4 says,"Greater is He that is in me, then he that is in the world."  All of God's power is available to me to fight. I choose to fight, I choose to live in communion with God. Here are some of the things that I pray never to forget, but to be reminders for me to keep pressing into my Father:
  • The saving power of God in my life as a reminder to keep pushing toward Christ.
  • The days when death was before my very eyes, and in those last days Christ became my Strong High Tower. 
  • Those first days at Mercy when God became real to me the very first time...the start of  an intimate, hand in hand walk with the Savior of the world.
  • When I had nothing, but God to lean on and never did He turn His back on me.
  • Things that happened in my life were not for granted, but rather would be a testimony of hope. God has some BIG plans in store.
  • He has a purpose for me in this world--Destiny!
  • Mercy days when it was just God and me...lessons learned, afternoons spent broken before the Lord and how He met me and shared His heart with me,  and even the beginning of the road of allowing God to heal my heart, as even now He is healing wounds. 
These are just a few reminders that help me come back to the cross and remember that my life is not my own, it's Gods'. I much rather walk with God then without Him. Yes, I have fallen, but God reaches down and picks me up and strengthens me in Him. So, here I go...continuing my walk hand in hand with my Beloved.


Wednesday, December 29, 2010


 As the Christmas/New Year season is passing us by and I home for the holidays, I have been catching up on some much needed reading. I must admit sitting back and reading a good book and not worrying about exams or essays is quite refreshing. Although, I do feel like a bum at times, I think my mother would also have to agree with me. But, hey being a bum every once in a while ain't so bad...right?

For Christmas I received a couple of books and one seemed to grab my attention, the book is entitled Unashamed written by one of my all time favorite writers, Francine Rivers. Unashamed is about Rahab, a lady in the Bible who was a prostitute, but had faith in God. God used Rahab to protect the Israelite spies and in return for their safety the God would protect Rahab and her family once the battle of Jericho began, they simply ordered Rahab to tie a scarlet cord in her window as a sign of their protection. God commanded His people to march around the city of Jericho one time each day for six days and on the seventh day to march around the walls of the city seven times. The assembly of people did all that God had told them to do and the walls of Jericho collapsed, no lives were spared, only those of Rahab and her family. Rahab then lived with the Israelites. She married an Israelite and together they bore a son. This right here is what I find so awesome;

Rahab and Salmon had a son, Boaz.
Boaz was the father of Obed;
Obed was the father of Jesse;
Jesse was the father of King David.
And from the line of King David of the tribe of Judah
came the promised Messiah, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

Does that not blow your mind? The Lord did not see Rahab for all that she had been, but all she could be for the Kingdom of God. God took the lowest of the low, a prostitute, and not only freed her from sin, but created her in the lineage of His only Son, who was born and lived a sinless life and died to save the world. I read this and as my thoughts try to grasp the incredible amazing God we serve, the word that comes to my mind is redemption. A perfect picture of redemption we see in this story. All of this intrigued me so that I researched the meaning of redemption in the dictionary and this is what I found;


1.an act of redeeming or the state of being redeemed.
2.deliverance; rescue.
3.Theology . deliverance from sin; salvation.
4.atonement for guilt.
5.repurchase, as of something sold.
6.paying off, as of a mortgage, bond, or note.
7.recovery by payment, as of something pledged.
8.conversion of paper money into specie.
God is a God of redemption, He delivers those He loves from the hand of the enemy. No matter the sin, how great or small, God will cleanse our hearts from all sin if we allow Him to make us His own. We are nothing but sinful, helpless creatures who have mocked and spit on the name of Jesus through our sin. Yet, in His unfailing love He doesn't let us go, but rather reaches out His hand to rescue us and give us an abundant and everlasting life with Him.
"To women who think a past of mistakes ruins any chance of a joy-filled future. Turn to Jesus and experience the wonders He has waiting for you." -Francine Rivers

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Life Bought Back

As I sit here I am motivated to share with those who will choose to read my blog a part of the deepest and most sacred thoughts, hopes, dreams, of my heart, even the icky and the lovely, in which the Almighty God is forever tweaking and perfecting. The life set before me has been given and entrusted to me, a gift in which I choose daily to be led and driven by the Spirit of my Father. I am proof that there is such a thing called freedom. When darkness and death seem to be crawling into life and which overcoming all evil seems completely impossible, I am here and alive to say it is not impossible. My God is greater. My God is healer. My God is the author of all life and He has given me a chance to live passionately alive. Because of this second chance which has been graciously given to me by my Redeemer, I want to share with all the world of what He continues to do to conform me more and more unto His image.

Although God has brought me from death unto life, the life He has given me still carries the evil fleshly desires, thoughts, and even actions of this world. I struggle daily to follow God's heart and not my own. We walk a life journey of molding into the likeness of Christ, a goal which cannot be entirely attained until we meet our Savior face to face in the home He prepares for us now. Walk this journey with me friends, may we walk the adventure of life hand in hand with our God while never losing sight of the cross...

"Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me His own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:12-14